Google Wants You to Love Glass

Google thinks there are several -- 10, actually -- myths surrounding its wearable computer accessory Glass. 

They are:

1. Glass is the ultimate distraction from the real world
2. Glass is always on and recording everything
3. Glass Explorers are technology-worshiping geeks
4. Glass is ready for prime time
5. Glass does facial recognition (and other dodgy things)
6. Glass covers your eye(s)
7. Glass is the perfect surveillance device
8. Glass is only for those privileged enough to afford it
9. Glass is banned... EVERYWHERE  
10. Glass marks the end of privacy
(Strangely, the "myths" arrived a month after Google instructed its users how not to be a "Glasshole" or be rude or creepy while wearing Google Glass.)
Google says that most Glass users are leading productive lives and aren't recording everything rather than exploring it (No. 1 and 2 de-bunked.) Explorers come from all walks of life and Glass is still very much a prototype (No. 3 and 4 debunked.) Essentially Google saves the big guns for the last few myths, where it states how Google isn't using facial-recognition technology and it's not a surveillance device or the end of privacy.
As for No. 9, Google said that people are already monitoring usage. 
Since cell phones came onto the scene, folks have been pretty good at creating etiquette and the requisite (and often necessary) bans around where someone can record (locker rooms, casino floors, etc.). Since Glass functionality mirrors the cell phones ("down to the screen being off by default), the same rules apply. 
Google needs the positive propaganda on Glass, especially since it's now being equated with the haves (it's $1,500 per prototype) versus the have-nots. Bars don't want any more Glass altercations like the one that allegedly happened in San Francisco last month.

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