DMV Cuts the Line With Self-Service Kiosk

Oakland office becomes first in Bay Area to let customers check out.

Hate waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles? Well the DMV is finally trying to do something about it.

The DMV is introducing self service kiosks for some transactions, such as picking up vehicle registration cards, that will cut down the wait time when visiting your local office.

"These machines are designed to get vehicle registration cards and tags into a customer’s hands within minutes," DMV Director George Valverde said in a statement. "Customers who cannot access the Internet, need their registration right away or have to use cash are finding the SST to be convenient and there is no waiting in line."

After installing self service stations in 24 Southern California DMV offices, the kiosks are making their way to the Bay Area.

The Oakland/Coliseum office was the first local DMV to get the machine, which features a large touch screen monitor and instructions in both English and Spanish.

No appointments are necessary to use the machine.

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