San Jose Vice Mayor Gives High School Girls Free Prom Dresses

Many Bay Area high school seniors are gearing up for the night of their lives and are already looking at prom dresses.

But in the South Bay, some girls have pulled all-nighters or slept a few hours to be the first ones to get a free prom dress.

They lined up at Seven Trees Community Center in San Jose Sunday where Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen gave away more than 3,000 donated dresses.

The young ladies said the lack of sleep and all the waiting were worth it because of what prom means to them.

"Prom is supposed to be a really big event," Andrew Hill High School Senior Trinh Duong said. "It's supposed to be night of our entire high school lives. So, we just think that getting a dress means a lot, and it would represent who we are that day."

The vice mayor launched this program in 2009 in hopes of making sure all high school girls get a chance to go to prom without having to worry about expenses.

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