Jermey Fox Returns to Oakland

Just as rumors were starting to fly about Jeremy Fox's whereabouts and his next project, Tuesday he reveals to Inside Scoop the details of his exciting new job as chef at Daniel Patterson's Plum coming to Oakland this Summer.

Patterson's choice is so fitting in light of his desire to invent an American cuisine that stands on its own. If anyone is equipped to execute this, it's Fox, who created a groundbreaking vegetable menu at Ubuntu, successfully bridging the gap between vegetarians and omnivores. Add the new Fox/Patterson team to Michael Bao, Rick Corbo, Christopher Losa, Patterson's Bracina venture with Lauren Kiino and the coming soon Jack London Square Market that will be three times the size of the Ferry Building. Oakland's shaping up quite nicely now isn't it?

·When Stars Align: Jeremy Fox Will Be The Chef at Daniel Patterson's Plum


· Jeremy Fox Sure Has Been in LA For a While, What's the Plan? [~ ESF ~]
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· Oakland Dispatch: Mia Filino [~ ESF ~]

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