Charlie Sheen Wants to Help Bryan Stow Win

Charlie Sheen is hoping his winning ways will turn a sad story into a winning one.

The troubled actor will be in San Francisco Saturday performing his much-maligned one man show at the  Nob Hill Masonic Auditorium.

Sheen will use the appearance to help Bryan Stow, the Giants' fan who was severly beaten in Los Angeles.

Stow's condition is still serious. His doctor have been trying to pull him out of the medically induced coma this week. They started taking him off the medications on Tuesday morning.

His family tweeted Thursday that there were "still no seizures!" That is exactly what doctors are looking for.

The first attempt to wake him up had to be stopped because Stow did suffer some seizures. Doctors cautioned Thursday that they needed at least another day to see if their second attempt was working.

Sheen will reportedly do what he can to help Stow wake up from his coma, according to sources close to the actor. The actor will reportedly donate all the profits from his merchandising sales in San Francisco to the "Brian Stow Fund."

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