Utopia Theatre Project presents the world premiere of Anne Yumi Kobori’s original play, “Every Day Alice.” Directed by Utopia’s Artistic Director, Maryssa Wanlass, “Every Day Alice” reimagines familiar characters from Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan in a modern day setting and explores the themes of growing up, identity and the fine line between imagination and delusion.
Alice, a brilliant young writer, has been placed in a mental hospital due to nervous breakdowns from her overactive imagination. Her architect boyfriend, Peter, longs for adventure and a release from the responsibilities of adulthood. Their publisher/pianist friend, James, struggles to connect with his wife, Isabel, a mute professional dancer. Joining this foursome are Avshalom (a Freudian doctor), Hattie (a mad retired actress), Smythe (a drunk window-cleaner) and Queenie (a card sharp judge). Together, they navigate the blurred lines between mental health and artistic expression, as they discover what it truly means to grow up.
“Every Day Alice,” the featured play of Utopia’s second season, was workshopped one evening last August in Redwood City as part of Dragon Productions Theatre Company's Monday Night Play Space series. Kobori began writing the play while she was a theater major at Santa Clara University.
To purchase tickets, please click here.
WHEN: February 15 - March 9, 2019, Fridays & Saturdays at 7pm (and Thursday, February 21)
WHERE: PianoFight, 144 Taylor Street, San Francisco, CA 94102