
Tell Us About Any Voting Problems During the Midterm Elections

How you can participate in Electionland

NBC Bay Area has partnered with ProPublica and other news organizations covering problems that prevent eligible voters from casting ballots — and we need your help. 

The Electionland project relies on citizens on the ground to tell us about issues like long lines, registration problems, purged voter rolls, broken machines, voter intimidation and changed voting locations. 

Here are the different ways you can participate: 

  • Contact our Investigative Unit tip line at 1-833-622-5688.
  • SMS: Send the word VOTE, VOTA (for Spanish) or 投票 (for Chinese) to 81380 (standar text message rates apply).
  • WhatsApp: Send the word VOTE, VOTA (for Spanish) or 投票 (for Chinese) to 1-850-909-8683.
  • Facebook Messenger: Go to m.me/electionland.
  • Sign up using the form that’s embedded at the end of this post. 

In 2016, the Electionland coalition went through thousand of tips from a legal call center hotline, as well as thousands of text messages and social media posts. Local journalists around the country reported 400 stories and helped bring attention to voting problems that were fixed before polls closed. 

If you notice problems while voting during the 2018 midterm elections on Tuesday, Nov. 6, please share so we can help investigate them. 

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