A Site Like eBay — But Free (Kinda)!

At SwapItShop.com, trade your trash for someone else's treasures -- no money required

We'll admit we've perused the "Barter" section on Craigslist on occasion and idly wondered, who would swap an IKEA wardrobe for a six-pack of Heineken?

But money, as we all know, is so 2008 (well, 2007, more like), and bartering is totally the new selling. Enter SwapItShop.com, a burgeoning virtual swap meet in the UK that's apparently doing gangbusters. You post stuff you don't want, earn points for it, and then spend those points to "buy" the stuff other people are getting rid of. Genius, right? And it's not like the stuff available on here is crap - the day we visited, the hot swaps included 8GB iPod Nanos and Wii Consoles. And money isn't completely out of the equation at SwapItShop -- you can still buy blocks of points (called Swapits) to spend on stuff you want.

Unfortunately, the site is limited to UK residents, but in this economy it shouldn't be long before the idea hops the pond. We're waiting.

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