What's Up With the Waterfront

Board of Supes president David Chiu is asking for some clarity on just what kind of development we should have on the Embarcadero north of Market Street. Height, design, amount of open space, that kind of thing.

The area's been home to a number of proposed developments recently, all of which have either withered under the opposition or are currently under dispute.

That includes the Port's Piers 27-31, which in another lifetime were slated to be turned into a ginormous mall and water recreation area, and then more recently an office and recreation area— both projects are now dead in the water. And there's also 8 Washington, located on Seawall Lot 351, a condo development on a parking lot that's been treading water for a while now (see what we did there?!).

But there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Says an aide to Chiu: the six to eight month study would clarify our goals for the waterfront, which means the project might even get green-lighted sooner rather than later. Huzzah.

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