POLK GULCH—With a tip 'o the cap to Lady Hopstress, it looks like Midpoint is already doneski. The joint opened just about three months ago in the redone O'Reilly's Holy Grail space, but we suppose the crowds were not forthcoming and it never had time to get off the ground. More details as they come in, but suffice to say this is one of the more rapid shutters in memory. [TH]
NOE HAYES VALLEY—The best recession specials are ones that actually, you know, benefit the customer (memo: a $35 prix fixe lunch is not a deal), so it's nice to hear that Indigo has abandoned all corkage, every night. [IBA]
SPAIN—The people of Spain love Batali's outburst in SoBE last week: "...they have taken to adopting the 'All you weasel f***wads in the back corners, can I have ten seconds of your time?' and 'Jose Andres has the most motherf—— stars of any Spanish restaurant in the U.S' as ringtones." [TFB via ENY]