Why, it wasn't too long ago that our local news declared San Francisco's luxury condos were "bucking the trend," and that our real estate market in general was totally impervious to the shocks of the credit crisis. Not that we don't believe in magic or anything, but could it be that it was all just smoke and mirrors? You be the judge. Exhibit A: an email blast from Paragon Real Estate Group on The Artani at 818 Van Ness.
Great news! The Artani has its own "Economic Stimulus Package!" We are contacting only those of you who have visited The Artani to alert you that we are expecting price drops on the apartments you were interested in, in the next week or two. This presents an opportunity for you to get a 'head start' if the timing coincides with your plans.
Economic stimulus package? You mean condo buyers aren't self-stimulating? (Don't answer that.) Then there's Exhibit B (pictured above), just down the block at the Symphony Towers. A weekend fire sale? "Smashing prices"! Hardly a penthouse party. Would it be too much now to hope for a Black Friday blowout?
· FYI: SF Condo Sales (Still) Doing Just Fine [Curbed SF]
· Development Watch: The Artani [Curbed SF]
· You're Invited: Symphony Towers Penthouse Party [Curbed SF]For more stories from Curbed SF, go to sf.curbed.com.