Pick Peppers at Acclaimed Farm

We're now in full swing of padron season. The little and largely heatless peppers, also seen on menus as shishito, can fetch up to $12 per pound at specialty markets (which can translate to $2 or $3 per pepper on a restaurant plate), but Hollister's Mariquita Farm (7210 San Felipe Road, Hollister) has had a particularly good yield this year and will open to the public on Saturday (August 6 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) for a padron pick at an amazing $4 per pound. Mariquita grows specialty vegetables, fruit, and herbs for top local restaurants including Chez Panisse, Boulevard, and Zuni Cafe. No tickets are necessary, but please RSVP to office@mariquita.com to let them know you're coming. More information is available on the Mariquita site. [The Feast]

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