Planning Commish Joins the CAMP Dogpile

Ouch. Joining the Landmarks and Preservation Board and a host of local NIMBYS, the city Planning Commission has expressed "serious concerns" about Gap founder Don Fisher's Contemporary Art Museum in the Presidio. The commission really laid it on thick. Not only is the design of the museum and its surrounding landscape "too stark of a contrast" to nearby historic buildings, but the developments would also (allegedly) impact already high volume roadways, local Fire and Police Departments and (allegedly) threaten the nature and "character" of the Presidio. But, ah, the kicker: the Planning Commission doesn't actually have any control over the ultimate Presidio plan. Being a national park, only the feds can decide the ultimate fate of Fisher's questionable taste.
· SF Planning Commission rejects Presidio Development Proposals [California Chronicle]
· <a href="
">Death to Deadlines: CAMP Comment Period Extended Again [Curbed SF]
· Camp Hate-apalooza: Another Group Joins the Lineup [Curbed SF]
· Enter the Feds: Presidio Plans Under Siege [Curbed SF]For more stories from Curbed SF, go to

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