Brown Accepts "Blogosphere Debate:" The debate, which will include questions from Calbuzz, FlashReport and Calitics, would be at San Jose State University. Calbuzz reports the Brown also accepted nine other debate offers. [Calbuzz]
More on the Debates: SF Gate has more on the debates and a response from Whitman's spokeswoman. [SF Gate]
Not So EZ: A pair of legislative actions frames the political debate over enterprise zones, which are designed to encourage economic development in depressed areas. [Sacramento Bee]
Challenges Expected in Wake of Gun Ruling: The state might face challenges after Monday's Supreme Court ruling. [OC Register]
Unemployment and Crime: California Watch has a look at a report that indicates high unemployment does not necessarily mean higher crime rates. [California Watch]
Senate Passes Bill for High-Risk Pool: The federally financed pool would be for people who have been denied private coverage because of previous medical conditions. [HealthyCal]
First, Plastic Bags. Next, Radiation: San Francisco's ruling of radiation has captured the attention of the nation's wireless industry. [The Washington Post]