5 Students Arrested in Santa Rosa in Connection With Assault, Threat

Police have arrested five students on multiple offenses related to the assault of another student at Montgomery High School, police said Thursday.

Police received a report of the assault Wednesday at about 10:20 a.m.

According to police, a 14-year-old student said he was a member of a criminal street gang, though he wasn't. Police said members of that gang who attend Montgomery High School heard of the comment, took offense and confronted the victim.

Eight or more students forced the victim into a boy's bathroom, said police Sgt. John Cregan. Five students surrounded the victim and one punched the victim in the head, knocking the student unconscious, Cregan said.

When the victim regained consciousness, the suspect who punched victim threatened him with assault if he told the police of the incident, Cregan said.

A school resource officer investigating the incident was able to identify all eight students, police said. Police arrested four of the five students who surrounded the victim in the bathroom on suspicion of three offenses including felony battery with injury and crime to benefit a gang.

Police arrested the student who threatened the victim with assault if he told police with an additional offense of dissuading a witness.

Detectives from the Gang Crimes Team have joined the investigation and police are asking anyone who witnessed the assault to call the Gang Crimes Team at (707) 543-3670

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