Car Crash Punches Hole Into San Jose Little Caesars'

It was just a normal Wednesday at a Little Caesars in San Jose when a car reportedly plowed through the restaurant.

Store manager Jonathan Huynh was there when the accident happened.

"The car crashed into the salon next to us and it had a domino effect and left a big hole in our wall," he said. "It was like a big rumbling sound -- I thought it was an earthquake."

Huynh said that a couple were sitting by the wall when the car hit the restaurant.

"They got up and started running -- they were really shaken up." he said.

San Jose police couldn't immediately confirm the crash.

Huynh said that the owners of the salon  told him that the driver had been trying to park and apaprently pressed the gas instead of the brakes.

Photographs by Jonathan Huynh.

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