Facebook Rates ‘Most Social' Airports

Are you checking in?

Checking in isn't just for coffeeshops anymore.

Facebook says it's all the rage in airports, where, before we fly, we're whipping out our cell phones to check in on sites like Foursquare, Twitter, and yes, Facebook itself.  In fact, the Silicon Valley social networking giant rated airports all over the world, calling Los Angeles' LAX the "most social."

We get that, what with Ashton Kutcher and Alec Baldwin social messaging up a storm from Tinseltown.  But what's extra cool is that San Francisco came in fourth in the check in challenge.  In fact, the top six airports deemed most social are American.  Chicago, and Atlanta among the hotspots - Australia topped the overseas airports.

Airports are starting to get hip to this, and, like cafes and retail stores, are strarting to offer up incentives to those of you who check in before you, you know, check in.  Tickets, discounts, and other niceties can be yours, if you let your followers know where you are, and where you're going.

Then, after you've checked in, you can, Baldwin-style, start that round of Words With Friends.

Scott can be found on Twitter:   @scottbudman

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