Horse Lover Sparks Passion in Amateurs

Her main focus remains the horses though, and the feisty, friendly girls who ride and care for them.

Gaby Waggoner is the second-generation of a family horse business in West Roseville, near Sacramento. And there's no question that she is an exceedingly capable young woman who has spent the best part of her 27 years around and on horses of all types and temperaments. 

As barn manager at the family equestrian center within sight of the Sierra Nevada, it's clear her life and passion is with these immense but generally gentle creatures that once featured so prominently in our lives.

Even today, though horses may not be our chosen form of transportation, they still have tremendous value to the (mostly) young ladies Waggoner teaches who so readily fall in love with these remarkably intuitive animals. 

On 20 acres and housing nearly 60 horses - not to mention llamas, goats, sheep, cows, chickens, owls, jack-rabbits, coyotes and assorted cats and dogs, it's a real ranch experience right at the edge of suburbia.

Her main focus remains the horses though, and the feisty, friendly girls who ride and care for them.

Waggoner gives us her own brand of homespun philosophy about character development, relationships and falling in love.

Watch the video above to hear from Wagonner herself.

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