Michele Bachmann Cheered in Marin

It was a packed house in San Rafael Thursday wanting to get a peek at presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was in the Bay Area Thursday.

The conservative Tea Party congresswoman from Minnesota was in liberal territory securing local endorsements.

Bachmann delivered a talk at a private home in San Rafael to a room packed with 150 supporters who paid $100 to listen to the candidate.

She said she was thrilled to be in Marin where the Tea Party was "alive and active."

"The tea party is made up of national security conservatives, economic conservatives, social conservatives. Tea partiers- We don't boot anybody out. We bring everybody in," Bachmann said.

The 55-year-old politician came to the Bay Area just a day after seeking the endorsement from controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona.

Before being elected to Congress, Bachman served in the Minnesota State Senate from 2000-2006.

The event was closed to the public. Bachman was in town the same day as Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta were in San Francisco.

Bachmann's visit was a quick one. She left the Bay Area midday for more events like the one in San Rafael in Southern California on Friday.

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