Michele Bachmann's Fiscal Conservatism Questioned in San Francisco

Republican presidential candidate asked to explain controversial border fence plan she advocates.

Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachman says she is a fiscal conservative but that didn't stop one Bay Area reporter from asking her why she wants to spend so much money.

The Minnesota congresswoman was in San Francisco Thursday speaking at the Commonwealth Club and laying out her plan for fixing America's trouble economy.

At the end of the morning session, Bachmann agreed to answer questions.

The San Francisco Chronicle's veteran political reporter Joe Garofoli took the opportunity to ask Bachmann about how she could call herself a fiscal conservative but at the same time push for a plan to build a fence along the Mexican border that would cost $21 million a mile to build and $6.5 billion to maintain over 20 years.

Garofoli was kind enough to film the exchange but the feed was cut off about the same time he was cut off trying to ask his follow up question: What is the source of your statistics you are citing Mrs. Bachmann?

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