San Francisco Ficus Trees Possibly Dangerous After Being Weakened by Wet Weather

The wet weather hitting the Bay Area is proving to be too much for older Ficus trees in San Francisco.

Officials reports some trees are snapping, damaging cars and have even injured a pedestrian. There is now a new push from city leaders to remove the potentially dangerous trees.

"Some have damaged cars. We had one recently that injured a man -- he's out of the hospital now," said Rachel Gordon, San Francisco Department of Public Works. "We want to make sure public safety is upheld and this is one way to do that."

The city's Department of Public Works reports 2,700 Ficus street trees are now getting special attention.

"With Ficus trees in particular we want to take a hard look at them and say if it shows vulnerability might be time to take it out," Gordon said.

Trees that are at least 50 feet tall, have had their roots trimmed or have a history of limb failure will likely be quickly approved for removal.

People who have seen the damage trees can do said it's better to be safe than sorry.

"I think it's wonderful," San Francisco-resident Mitch Dalition said. "I'm supportive."

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