Tiger's Troubles Started Here

Tiger's newest nickname is "Cheetah"

Today if you heard Tiger Woods faced jeers or boos at a public event, it would not come as a surprise. 

But if you rewind the clock just a few days, the once squeaky-clean golfer and Stanford grad was worthy of standing Os at nearly every turn. 

Which brings us to Tiger's last public appearance prior to his close encounter with a  fire hydrant and the sex fallout that followed.

Just six days before all hell broke loose, Tiger was honored by his alma mater at the Big Game. 

The game started out fine with b-roll of Tiger smiling on the sidelines holding his oldest daughter dressed in Cardinal red.

But when he took the mic during half time, an unanticipated wave of boos spread across the field.  From the video, you could tell the negative chants appeared to throw the golfing god.  His speech lasted just 20 seconds and didn't make much sense.

Cal fans would have booed anyone connected to their rival that night, but it was an early sign that things weren't always cheery in Woods world.

Lori Preuitt would like to credit Cory Marshall of the Cheetah line.  If someone can prove they came up with it before Cory's Tuesday Facebook post let me know. 

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