If you see people in and around Union Square looking up this afternoon, join them.
They are looking for a floating balloon with a golden key attached that will help them unlock the Presidential suite in on of the City's finest hotels.
The Palace hotel is celebrating a century of business by recreating something its predecessors did 100 years ago by launching a key from the rooftop.
Whoever finds it will be treated to a three night stay in the Presidential Suite, plus dinner and breakfast for two.
The drop is planned for 3:30 p.m.
NBC Bay Area meteorologist Craig Herrera says a storm front should be moving through the City at that time, with 15 to 20 mph winds coming from the northwest direction. So, if you want to hedge your bets, move southeast of the Palace to have the best shot of striking gold.
On Dec. 15, 1909 the Palace Hotel re-opened its doors to a completely rebuilt facility following massive destruction caused by the great 1906 earthquake three and a half years earlier. It has remained a Grand Dam of the high-end hotels ever since.
Lori Preuitt was one of those kids who was genuinely freaked out by Willy Wonka.