Barack Obama Nets $2 Million on SF Tour

President has some powerful friends to thank for his cash prize.

The Bay Area has been good to President Barack Obama.

On his most recent visit to the area on Wednesday, the president raised another $2 million in a four hour fundraising tour of the city.

The Bay Area has become a ground zero of sorts as Mr. Obama fights to keep his seat in the White House.

Obama, his wife and Vice President Joe Biden have made at least a half a dozen trips to the Bay Area this year alone.

The trio has been in the area raising money and making connections to push their party to victory come November.

It also helps to have powerful friends when trying to raise money.

Wednesday Obama was greeted by San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Calif. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom when he landed at San Francisco International Airport.

He then was whisked away to meet with Giants' legend Willie Mays. An honor that was not lost on the president.

"As cool as Air Force One is, it is much much cooler when Willie Mays is with you on the plane," the president said.

He then drove to 1 Market St. to meet with billionaire and CEO Mark Benioff, who has previously hosted fundraisers for the president at his San Francisco home.

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