Alice Rosa and Nina Aggarwal are in different stages of their lives with their children. Rose’s daughter just tied the knot and Aggarwal’s two children were looking forward to summer camp. What do they have in common? Both spent thousands and had services denied because of COVID-19 and both aren’t getting refunds.
“They absolutely told me they wouldn’t be giving me the money back and I would have to reschedule within a year,” said Rose.
She said that’s what management at Scott’s Seafood Restaurant in Oakland told her after she spent $18,000 there for her daughter’s reception.
The bride kept her wedding date and for now, the reception is on hold. Rose says the contract protects the restaurant and not the client.
“If I canceled it, it said they wouldn’t give me my security deposit back but there’s nothing in there that allows Scott to cancel, postpone, defer,” Rose said.
Aggarwal is in a similar situation, she spent $1,000 for their two children to go to Camp Galileo this summer. The camp sent an email telling families the virus forced them to shut down and that they would get credit for future camps, but no refund.
“Parents are struggling, families are struggling at the moment,” Aggarwal said. “If a family needs the funds they should have access to the funds if the camp is canceled.”
On their website, Galileo says “as much as we would like to provide the option for a cash refund, the company’ financial situation makes that impossible.
Scott’s Seafood general manager told NBC Bay Area that Rose will get a refund, but they have no cash flow at this time.
Both moms want these companies to do the right thing.
“This is extraordinary times,” said Rose. “It’s beyond me why Scotts took this hard position.”