
Board Approves Stadium Lights Project at North Bay High School

Neighbors of San Marin High in Novato fear too much light and noise

After months of debate and contentious meetings, a North Bay high school finally may be getting lights for its football stadium.

The Novato Unified School District board on Tuesday approved a proposed $1.2 million stadium lights project at San Marin High School in Novato.

Students and other supporters say the Mustangs are eager to have a night home game, something most high schools have experienced for years.

But there also were many opponents of the project on hand at a special meeting of the board in the school gym. They say their fight is not over. Neighbors of the school say the 80-foot polls, bright lights, PA system and crowds that come with it all will deliver an assault of light and noise pollution.

"By approving the project, you are unavoidably violating Novato's noise ordinance," opponent Ken Levin said. "We're against the lights for environmental reasons; gonna be a lot of noise."

One neighbor, Tarry Winfrey, welcomed the change.

"We live in a beautiful community; let's light it up cheer," Winfrey said.

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