When hot weather blankets the Bay Area, people open their windows. When people open their windows, accidents can happen.
Since the middle of June, four toddlers have been treated at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center for falling out of second- or third-story windows, according to the hospital. Three of those children have been treated and released while the most recent victim, who fell Thursday, remains in serious condition.
“With the hot weather, families open their windows," Dr. Adella Garland from SCVMC said in a statement. "Sometimes children climb up to a window and sadly, take a serious fall. Don’t make the mistake of thinking a window screen offers any protection. Screens do not prevent falls, and these falls still happen too often.”
Children tumbling out of windows happens more often than people might think, according to Sue Kehl, a nurse at SCMVC.
"We need parents and families to be aware of this risk to their child's safety," Kehl said in the statement.
In order to prevent such an accident from happening, parents are encouraged to install window guards and window stops as well as not place climbable furniture next to windows.