The California Highway Patrol has arrested three people following a sideshow on Saturday, after they said a Ford Mustang led them on a chase at speeds greater than 100 mph at the Port of Oakland.
Officer Sean Wilkenfeld said officers took Wais Sakhizada, 26, of Fremont into custody on suspicion of felony evading, resisting arrest, driving on a suspended license as well as on outstanding warrants. Officers also impounded his red Mustang, which has the words "No Muscle Left Behind" painted on the windshield, for 30 days.
Wilkenfeld said a CHP helicopter had spotted the Mustang in a sideshow at International Boulevard near 54th Avenue and was heading toward Interstate Highway 880, which is officers where officers waited for him to make the arrest. A sideshow is an Oakland phenomenon of illegal street racing and car tricks like doughnuts in the middle of the road and highway.
But the Mustang driver took off.
During the pursuit, Wilkenfeld said officers saw a black Audi A6 and a white Chevy S-10 trailing behind the chase. The drivers of these cars were also arrested on a variety of charges. Paiman Nasiri, 21, of Tracy was arrested in connection with aiding and abetting a speed contest and driving on a suspended license, and 19-year-old Howard Schroyer of Castro Valley was arrested in connection with concealing a dagger and drug possession.
Shroyer had already been arrested by Oakland CHP officers for sideshow activities and evading police in September of 2014.
Last month, the CHP also impounded a Ford Mustang and arrested a 19-year-old Hayward man following a weekend sideshow where officers said they were making a music video.