Many drivers are treating the emptier than normal highways like speedways. The CHP said they’ve issued 87% more tickets for excessive speeding since the shelter-in-place order began.
“People just fly by you like in and out, going in and out of traffic,” said driver Inge Obert. “It’s more dangerous on the roads than in the stores right now, it really is.”
Obert said he sees drivers on the highway to and from his essential job at Home Depot.
The CHP said they’ve seen a huge spike in speeding, some drivers have been clocked at 150 mph.
“Just because you see an open freeway doesn’t give you the right to speed,” said Brandon Correia from the CHP. “It’s not a need for speed maverick. Just don’t do it.”
The CHP says they’re gearing up to crack down and tell drivers to expect a maximum enforcement effort to start soon.
“What’s the best kind of prize? It’s a surprise. So, don’t be surprised if we’re behind you pulling you over for speeding, slow down,” said Correia.
Drivers say there’s no reason to race when so much of the state is shut down. They say speeders are just making things more dangerous during an already troubling time.
“People are literally zooming past you. If it doesn’t get fixed soon something serious is going to happen,” said driver Gustavo Hinojosa. “One more thing to worry about other than the issues we have to worry about.”