
COVID-19 Restrictions Lower Carbon Footprints

NBC Universal, Inc.

The past year was something many of us would never want to go through again as the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world.

It forced us to change common habits, like commuting to work as we shifted to a world where working from home became normal. One of the side effects from this new "work from home" world, was our cars were barely moving out of the garage which helped to lower carbon footprints.

We took a look at the past year to see how much savings we had on the Microclimate Weather Team. Check out the data below and you can see I saved an average 11 tons of CO2 per year. While my carbon savings isn’t obviously the same as everyone, there’s no doubt CO2 savings added up across the world as many of us lowered our carbon footprint.

In the next image you can see the entire Microclimate Weather Team saved an average of 67.5 tons of CO2 per year. That’s a 29.7 % reduction in CO2, which is mostly attributed to less transportation.

As COVID-19 restrictions start to lower you may be thinking about ways to keep your carbon footprint lower as well. There are some simple things you can do that will add up over time. Checkout the list below and you’ll see buying local food, buying food in bulk, lowering your water heater to 120°, carpooling and LED lightbulbs are all ways to keep your carbon footprint lower.

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