Call it "Bambi" on the bridge. Reports of a pair of deer hanging out on the Golden Gate Bridge Friday evening sent social media abuzz in the Bay Area.
California Highway Patrol officers were called to the bridge, but the deer were already gone by the time they got there. Twitter users reported that traffic stopped moving momentarily, but was soon flowing normally again.
"It was Deer on the Golden Gate Bridge! Hope they are safe! Kind of awesome!" tweeted out Twitter user Rydalia with a picture, which has since gone viral.
"Not a big deal. Just some deer running down the middle of the road on the Golden Gate Bridge," posted Luca Jackson on Instagram.
Instagram user @rebeccaabbey posted this video of the deer scampering across the bridge as cars followed them slowly.
The deer, reported at 5:24 p.m., appear to have entered the bridge from the south, according to CHP Officer Andrew Barclay. They quickly brought the three northbound lanes traffic to a halt behind them as they ran from San Francisco toward Marin.
"They pretty much created their own traffic break," Barclay said. "That could be what saved the deer from getting hurt ... If it was lighter traffic the cars would have been moving faster."
Barclay said it is not the first time animals have been reported on the bridge, but it is the first time it has happened in the two years he has served as a public information officer.
The deer reportedly got off safely on the Marin County side of the bridge. It's unclear whether they had to pay toll.
Information from Bay City News was included in this report.
It was Deer on the Golden Gate Bridge! Hope they are safe! Kind of awesome! — Rydalia (@Rydalia) September 6, 2014
Two deer on the #goldengatebridge!!!! Traffic at a standstill on the southbound side! — Chris Dewey (@CDooey) September 6, 2014
The deer that were hanging out if the Golden Gate Bridge. @jmooallem — Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri) September 6, 2014
The other deer pic I took isn't nearly as good. — Rydalia (@Rydalia) September 6, 2014