Flu Season Arrives in Bay Area

Lab tests show a spike in flu cases in Northern California

Better stock up on tissues now  because if you won't need them chances are someone you know will.

Lab tests performed on Kaiser Permenente patients indicate Flu Season is officially here in the Bay Area.

Dr. Jonathan Blum infectious disease specialist at Kaiser's Satna Clara Hospital says:" Flu is on the upswing in Northern California. We are seeing an increase in the number of cases . It 's a small increase now but we expect to see a lot more cases in the next few weeks".

To protect yourself Dr. Blum recommends you get a flu vaccine ( no he says its not too late) and be sure to wash your hands

frequently. He also says its a good clean your cubicle phone and computer keyboard with a disinfectant.

If if you do get the flu, cover your cough and don't go to work.

It is also important to see your doctor right away. Dr. Blum says  any prescription medications  doctors may prescribe are most

effective  when given during the first two days of symptoms.  According to the Centers for Disease Control,flu kills an estimated 36-

thousand people a year.

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