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French Journalist On Assignment in Bay Area Wants to Go Back Home to Show His Support

A French journalist who would’ve been covering Friday’s attacks in his hometown got stuck in the Bay Area instead.

Romain Hary, a journalist with French Canal Plus TV network, was in the Bay Area on assignment. Now, he unexpectedly is on a new assignment to document how America media is covering the Paris attacks.

Hary said he knows people who were hurt and killed since he lives in a neighborhood where many of those attacks took place.

“My phone got crazy yesterday with dozens of messages asking how I was,” Hary said.

While most of his friends back home were safe, social media confirmed that terrorists killed one of his former co-workers.

This is the second time Paris was under attack this year so Hary said he really wants to be back home to show his support.

“We all are still traumatized by the attack of January, of Charlie Hebdo,” Hary said. “I really don’t think this is something we are used to, but we want to stand together.”

Hary is traveling back to France tomorrow and is really looking forward to going home.

“I want to be with them, I want to be in Paris,” Hary said. “I want to show them that I am a Parisian, that I am still standing and that we are all still standing.” 

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