Gunman on the Run Leads to Napa Lock Down

A lockdown at Napa Valley College was lifted around 5:30 p.m.  today after authorities detained two robbery suspects who had hidden  themselves on the campus, a police commander said.

The suspects were detained for questioning this evening and "we  expect arrests to be made," Napa police Cmdr. Andy Lewis said.

The suspects, described as men in their late 20s or early 30s, are  believed to have robbed a person in the parking lot of a bank at the River  Park Shopping Center around 1 p.m., according to Lewis.

After the men robbed the victim they drove to Napa Valley College  where they attempted to hide from the police, Lewis said.

Authorities placed the school on lockdown and cancaeled afternoon  classes while they searched for the suspects. The men were found hiding in  the school's library and were detained for questioning, according to Lewis.

"At this point we are doing some searches at the college," Lewis  said.

He added that evening classes have been canceled, and said classes  are expected to resume as usual Tuesday.

Lewis said the victim of the robbery sustained minor injuries, but  said no one at Napa Valley College was injured.


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