San Diego and Los Angeles U.S. Coast Guard crews have joined in the search for a boater reported to be lost at sea for several days.
Coast Guard helicopters and a C-130 aircraft from Sacramento, are searching for a white with blue trim sailing vessel Sea Hag.
Family and friends of the operator, Sean Haggerty, 39, reported the vessel was overdue to arrive in San Diego, U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Kevin Neff said.
Haggerty is originally from San Diego but had been living in San Francisco for a few years. He was in the process of moving back to San Diego when he went missing.
Neff said a friend of Haggerty spoke wuth the man via cell phone on Wednesday, at which time Haggerty reported that the engine and GPS system on his 26-foot sailing vessel was not working.
Haggerty was supposed to sail from the San Francisco area south along the coast, stopping at various ports and coastal islands, before arriving San Diego.
Neff said that cell phone records indicate that Haggerty was near Point Conception when he last used his cell phone. Point Conception is 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
Air crews from San Diego searched the area between San Diego and the Los Angeles International Airport early Sunday. A Los Angeles air crew was searching the area between LAX and Point Conception Sunday afternoon.
Neff said the Sacramento airplane crew was searching the coast from San Francisco south to San Diego and back, including the area around the coastal islands off the Southern California coast.
If anyone has seen the Sea Hag or has information on the whereabouts of Sean Haggerty, was asked to contact a Coast Guard Station, or the 11th District Command Center at (510) 437-3701.