Porn is bad. As is any discounts for tours at a porn palace.
Groupon, the deal-offering Web site, is in hot water with a Washington, D.C.-based group called Morality in Media for offering discounted tours of's fortress-like Mission District headquarters, according to the San Francisco Examiner. films fetish porn movies at the former National Guard Armory at 14th and Mission streets. The structure is giant, and imposing -- and popular. Groupon sold more than 1,000 coupons for tours of the building, the newspaper reported. founder Peter Acworth bought the Armory, vacant since 1976, in 2006 for $14.5 million, according to the newspaper. Since then, Acworth and have been solid neighbors, keeping the area clean and sexy activities confined to within the vault-like walls, the newspaper reported.
Morality in Media is not a fan of the Web site's "sadomasochistic torture and rape pornography," according to a statement. The tours are "disguised" as history, according to the prim group, which was further incensed by the idea that tour-takers could "glimpse a live filming" on their tour.
That COULD happen -- doesn't guarantee tour-takers won't see sex on their visit, according to the newspaper -- but they'll definitely see the Armory's interior, including a giant open space that once housed drills for soldiers.
That's drills as in exercise, not... never mind.