If the Giants' starting pitchers' performance this year has you sick to your stomach, then Giants' starting pitcher Tim Lincecum knows how you feel.
Lincecum has been sent to the infirmary with a righteously upset stomach, but is still expected to start Saturday against the Diamondbacks. He was flown back to San Francisco from the Giants' series in Los Angeles for medical attention.
A doctor's examination turned up "nothing unusually wrong", according to MLB.com.
Hair of the dog, Linny, hair of the dog.
This is reminiscent of Lincecum's being held out of last year's All-Star Game with mysterious "flu-like symptoms". I'd be inclined to blame the Mad Dog 20/20, but it's difficult to believe that the boyish-looking Lincecum is really able to buy liquor over the counter. So now I'm blaming those Dodger Stadium parking-lot fish tacos.
Many medical experts -- like, for instance, Lincecum's dad -- feel these temporary illnesses are responsible for Lincecum's poor start. And when these symptoms pass, maybe he'll be back in Cy Young form. "The bottom line is, he's only pitched 8 1/3 innings," Lincecum's pop told the Chronicle. "He had bronchitis in spring training and that set him back. Timmy just needs to get into a groove."
To that end, Lincecum's upset stomach will be in our thoughts and prayers. We all want to see him get back to doing the good kind of hurling.
Joe Kukura is a freelance writer and staunch advocate of the "Beer before liquor..." philosphy.