A Netflix distribution center in Fremont that supplies customers with DVDs by mail is laying off 160 employees.
Not because the company is struggling, mind you, but because of innovation.
Turns out that new machines will be able to process the shipping duties four times as fast as some poor meatbag with mouths to feed, and with 100 percent less sassback.
Not to mention that more and more movies are being streamed directly to customers through Netflix's "Watch Now" feature, making the DVDs themselves obsolete.
A company spokesperson assured investors that the layoffs weren't due to struggling business. "Netflix is a growth company. We are adding engineers. We are adding salaried staff."
No word on if any of those being laid off will be offered job training to become engineers or salaried staff, or will just be left to fend for themselves in crappy, crappy economy.
Jackson West is pretty sure he'll be replaced by a machine sooner rather than later.