No Tacos for You!

Mobile kitchen ban blankets much of city

While many consider San Francisco a mecca for foodies, it's not actually very friendly to street food -- especially if the drama surrounding a popular taco truck is any indication.

The aptly named Burrito Justice has produced a map illustrating which areas are covered by a ban on mobile food vendors near schools -- and it covers a healthy swath of many neighborhoods.

As part of an effort to get school-age children to eat better, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a ban on any food dealers within 1,500 feet of junior and high schools.

The widespread ban has given rise to a fight between parents of students at John O'Connell high school in the city's Mission district and the carnitas-slingers in the El Tonayense taco truck nearby.

The truck refuses to serve students during lunch hours, but does serve plenty of local adults who live and work nearby. Photo by Flickr user Gary Soup.

Jackson West dreams of owning his own taco truck some day.

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