Heavy rains and flash floods have prompted Marin County officials to activate the county’s emergency operations center. Sheriff’s deputies and firefighters are helping to evacuate residents from flooded homes in Forest Knolls and Woodacre, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office tweeted out.
Crews are assisting residents in evacuations along Castro Street in Forest Knolls and Lagunitas due to flooding, tweets from the sheriff’s office said.
The county has also deployed its Water Rescue teams at key locations throughout Marin. The San Geronimo Community Center at 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. has opened its doors for residents who were forced to leave their homes temporarily.
Sheriff's deputies in west Marin are reporting that Platform Bridge near Sir Francis Drake Boulevard is under several feet of water. Highway 1 between Pt. Reyes Station to Olema is reportedly "impassible" due to flooding, deputies said.
There is a flash flood warning for the Corte Madera Creek in the Ross Valley area. Storm drains are at capacity and significant road flooding is expected.
Lucas Valley Road is closed in both directions half mile west of Big Rock.
Deputies in West Marin reporting Platform Bridge Rd near Sir Francis Drake Blvd under several feet of water. pic.twitter.com/9ATKYnh7Co — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016
Photo of reported flooding on Castro Street, Forest Knolls San Geronimo Valley today @ 4:40pm. #marinflood pic.twitter.com/2bMeLw2V3H — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016
The San Geronimo Community Center 6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd has opened its doors for persons who have temporarily left their homes. — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016
The warning siren heard a short time ago in Ross Valley was activated only to warn residents of probable flooding in low lying areas. — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016
Sheriff's deputies working side by side with residents evacuating their homes along Castro St in Forest Knolls/Lagunitas due to flooding. — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016
The County of Marin has activated it's Emergency Operations Center to coordinate public safety response efforts due to today's #marinstorm. — Marin County Sheriff (@MarinSheriff) December 16, 2016