Wednesday is May 1 and like every May Day, activist held rallies centered on worker rights all across the Bay Area, including at Google in Mountain View and Lake Merritt in Oakland.
Hundreds participated in marches and rallies, including nurses, teachers, flight attendants and port workers. Even some employees for one of the richest tech companies in the world were on board.
"From being told to go on sick leave when you're not sick, to having your reports taken away, we're sick of retaliation," the tweet from Google Walkout For Real Change read. "Six months ago, we walked out. This time, we're sitting in."
In November, many Google workers walked out to protest the company’s treatment of woman.
Last week, Wired Magazine reported that the two organizers of that action claimed retaliation for their part in organizing, however the company denied the allegation.
As with every May Day there were other rallies around the Bay Area. At Oakland’s Frank Ogawa Plaza, activists rallied for immigration rights starting at 8:30 a.m.
In San Jose, community, labor and faith leaders gathered at the Mexican Heritage Plaza at 4 p.m. and at the same time in San Francisco, activists spoke out against workplace discrimination at Justin Herman Plaza.