
Most Educated, Law Abiding Deer in Country? Berkeley Deer Use Crosswalk: Caught on Cam

“That’s right America, Berkeley deer use crosswalks,” Daniel McPartlan tweeted

Berkeley can stake its claim as being part of the birth of the Free Speech movement and the organic food revolution.

Now, perhaps, the city can also brag about having the most law-abiding deer in the country.

Daniel McPartlan shot video Dec. 17 of three deer crossing the road — safely, in the crosswalk — on Grizzly Peak Boulevard, which he posted on YouTube and Twitter as proof.

"That’s right America, Berkeley deer use crosswalks," he tweeted.

The footage shows a truck stopping at the crosswalk as it would for a pedestrian.

Twitter user Jordan Klein responded: "I’ve heard that we have the most well educated deer nationwide."

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