Neighbors braced for the worst after suffering through the thumping of a rave concert at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View last year, but there were a few surprises Saturday night.
Last year's rave at Shoreline received less than rave reviews from neighbors.
"It was much louder last year," Mountain View resident Greg Onorato said. "Lot of boom, thump. You could feel it in the windows. The dog was hiding under beds."
But Onorato said Saturday's Beyond Wonderland electronic dance party was much different.
"It's not annoying at all," he said.
Police explained why.
"Two things happened this year," Mountain View police spokeswoman Shino Tanaka said. "Smaller stages, and also, they repositioned the speakers, so that they're pointing inwards versus outwards."
The payoff was just two noise complaints Saturday night compared to more than 100 last year.
Nearly 20,000 people are expected to attend the two-day event that kicked off Saturday afternoon, and many are already noticing changes beyond lower decibel levels.
"I went last year, and security is way tighter today," Daly City resident Justin Andrade said. "I mean, it should be."
Both uniformed and plain clothes officers are patrolling the area.
"We've made about 30 to 35 arrests thus far, all narcotics related," Tanaka said.
This year, the number of drug arrests, like the music, is dialed down.