Naked Man Attempts to Steal Baby, Foiled By Restaurant Patrons

Law taken into hands of Gilroy diners.

A naked man who tried to steal a baby was stopped by a rush of citizens at a Gilroy restaurant, according to reports.

It happened outside the Longhouse Restaurant, near the intersection of Monterey and Howson streets, on Friday.

UPDATE: Naked Man Who Walked into Restaurant in Critical Condition

Police were called around 10:20 a.m., according to the San Jose Mercury News. They were alerted to the presence of a naked man who was acting odd, and carrying around an infant, according to the newspaper. The man's actions were described as "violent and erratic" -- which prompted restaurant patrons to jump into action before police could arrive.

"Fear" for the child's safety led restaurant customers to "wrestle" the man, 42-year-old John Anthony Ruiz of Los Banos, to the ground. He's now at a medical center where he's receiving "further treatment," the newspaper reported.

The boy, 6 months old, was taken into the custody of the Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children Services after police interviewed his mother, the newspaper reported.

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