We're far, far from alone.
NASA, developing the latest pictures sent back from its Kepler Space Telescope, says it's discovered 715 new planets out there. That almost doubles the number of planets we previously thought were floating around.
All the planets, according to NASA, are fairly small - around the size of our Solar System's Neptune. As for the possibility of sustaining life, scientists this morning say four of the new planets are within the range of stars that could possibly help them sustain life.
We're learning more by the minute, as NASA scientists, with an assist from MIT, decipher the latest information coming in from Kepler.
Says NASA AMES's Jack Lissauer, who works out of the Bay Area, this all could mean we'll soon find a planet that's similar to our own.
Like Kepler, we'll keep watch.
Scott can be found on Twitter: @scottbudman