Nevada Lawmakers Approve Tesla Tax Breaks

The Nevada Legislature has approved an unprecedented package of incentives to bring Tesla Motors' $5 billion battery factory to the state.

Aides to Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval say he's expected to sign the package of tax credits and other incentives worth up to $1.3 billion late Thursday.

The Senate passed the bill with the largest tax abatements to the Assembly on a 21-0 vote. Final passage followed in the Assembly, which sent it to the governor on a vote of 39-0.

The electric car maker's "gigafactory'' east of Sparks is expected to produce up to 22,000 jobs and inject up to $100 billion in Nevada's economy over the next 20 years.

Sparks Assemblyman Ira Hansen says it's the biggest thing to hit Nevada since the building of the Hoover Dam during the Great Depression.

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