
Napa Business Owner Launches Fundraiser to Support Fellow Businesses

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A struggling Napa business owner is taking action to help other business in the area that are suffering losses due to the coronavirus shutdown.

Cathy Becker, owner of Calamity Jane’s Trading Co., started a fundraiser called We Are Napa. The idea is that supporters can order a special t-shirt with a Napa logo for $20, $10 of which will go to help other local businesses.

Any business or nonprofit in Napa County can sign up to receive help.

“I own my own business, so seeing what myself and others were going through, it was a no brainer to say hey, we can bring that to Napa,” Becker said. “It took just a couple of weeks, we launched last Friday.”

The fundraiser will continue for three more weeks. Click here to check out the website shop.

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