Childcare facilities in Sonoma County will be permitted to accept all children, not just those of essential workers starting Friday.
At Mt. Taylor Children’s Centers, they’ve remained open through the stay-at-home orders because they provide childcare for essential workers.
“The children who have come back are so excited to see their friends, to get to see a human being to play with at a distance,” said center operator Terry Seigler.
Though she does have space to accept more children, and there are already parents that are contacting her about enrolling, there are other parents that are still worried.
Some are concerned about potential coronavirus infections and others about money.
“I don’t feel like there’s going to be too much of a rush because not everyone’s got their job back,” Seigler said. “We’re still at the early phase.”
Car washes, pet groomers and cleaning services, among other businesses, will be back in operation.
But with more kids allowed in care centers – there will be a lot of challenges ahead.
“It’s still really hard for providers to get the supplies that they need to be open and to stay open safely,” said Lorie Siebler, from the Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County. “A lot of the cleaning supplies are really hard to get. Providers are constantly asking us for no touch thermometers.”
Challenges that all soon-to-be reopening businesses will likely see as well.