On Thursday, an emergency use authorization committee will meet virtually to discuss recommending the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine to the FDA and approval is expected to be swift.
"At last, we have a reason to feel optimistic and excited about returning to the lives we led pre-COVID,” said Canada’s Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Howard Njoo.
Canada is the latest nation to authorize the use of the vaccine and the United States is expected to be next.
UCSF already has freezers ready to store an expected 1,000 doses of the vaccine and a plan in place to distribute it.
“There are lots of freezers here we have for research labs they have been freed up,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong of USCF.
The infectious disease specialist said UCSF is prepared to store and distribute the vaccine which requires two shots that are 21 days apart.
It is one of seven California hospitals in line for the first doses.
Dr. Chin-hong expects rapid FDA approval and delivery of 1,000 doses Tuesday. Front line medical workers are first in line.
“The emergency department, labor and delivery and when you think about those site custodians, people who are lecture students,” said Chin-Hong.
There won't be enough to vaccinate all medical staff right away. The doctor said that with cases and deaths rising, getting the shot will provide some hope.
“I'm sure I'll feel very emotional when I get it myself because it's a silver lining in all this darkness,” Chin-Hong said.