
Rising Sea Levels Threatening More Than 40,000 California Homes

California could lose 0.4 percent of its homes in sea levels continue to rise, according to scientistsnue to rise, according to scientists

If sea levels continue to rise at record-setting pace, thousands of homes along California's coastline are at risk of sinking underwater, according to a new report from Zillow.

Scientists, utilizing data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, have determined that if sea levels do rise an expected six feet by 2100, 42,353 homes in the golden state will be lost to the sea.

Despite that damage from melting polar ice, California as a whole would lose just 0.4 percent of its homes, a mark that is among the lowest for states nestled right along the coast, according to Zillow.

Florida's fate sits at the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

According to Zillow, the sunshine state would lose more than half of its residences.

On a national scale, a total of nearly two million homes could be at risk of ending up underwater, along with $882 billion in housing stock that could sink to the abyss.

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